As seen in The Red Book and The National Yellow Book of Funeral Directors

The Service We Provide

  • Families Memorial Books for Grieving Families Offered by Contemporary Concepts
  • Funeral Homes
  • Business Leaders


Our service is directed to families who have suffered the loss of a loved one. It is designed to provide these families with the sincere and necessary feelings of comfort, consolation and hope during the most difficult time in their lives. Its uplifting message leaves a positive and indelible impression on the families.

Funeral Homes

Our service affords funeral directors an Aftercare program for the families they serve. The service can be administered entirely by the funeral home, if they have an established Aftercare staff in place, or it can be administered by Contemporary Concepts with minimal involvement from the funeral home. View more information for Name Sources.

Business Leaders/Sponsors

The service affords select business leaders an opportunity to recognize each family in their community when death occurs. The businesses are not involved in any of the details; everything is handled through our participating funeral homes. This program provides a beautiful personalized keepsake for the family of the deceased. View our Sponsor Benefits.