What People Are Saying
Family Testimonials
Family Testimonials
“I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for the beautiful and inspirational volume Lift up Thine Eyes. It has brought our family many hours of pleasurable reading and much-needed comfort. My dearly departed husband Clive, being a talented artist, would have truly appreciated its beauty and inspiring message. My family and I will treasure this volume always and have already been blessed by receiving it in our home. It holds a place of honor right beside our family Bible. Our hearts are warmed and spirits lifted by this kind act of the thoughtful caring and concerned individuals of our community. May you all be as richly blessed by the giving as we have been by the receiving of Lift Up Thine Eyes."
- Ms. Gwendolyn McDonald, Cross, South Carolina
"Lift up Thine Eyes is truly a blessing to those of us that have lost a loved one. Since February 2001, we have lost six family members. To tell the truth I probably would not have started reading it, if my six year old granddaughter had not been so persistent. After losing so many loved ones in a short period of time I had a lot of questions about God’s plan (and I still do) but Lift Up Thine Eyes has been exceptionally helpful. Thank you so much."
- Deb Owen and family, Marshalltown, Iowa
"Thank you so much for the beautiful book Lift up Thine Eyes in memory of my husband, Duane C. Morgan. I will always treasure this book and it will be a daily inspiration as I read it every day. Thanks also to the five companies that made it possible too."
- Vickie Morgan, Salida, Colorado
"I have just received the book Lift Up Thine Eyes and a simple thank you is inadequate. Hospice of Arizona, my church, the Sisters of Mary, all have provided me with booklets and a CD about the grieving process. I read and listened to them all. When this book came, I flipped through the family record pages and feasted my eyes upon the beautiful color plates of the old masters, many of which I remember seeing as a child in my Sunday school books. Rarely have I seen any of them since those days. Then I returned to the “Grieving, Gratitude and Guilt’ essay. I can honestly tell you that I have never felt such understanding of what I am going through now. And the “approval” for me to feel these disturbing emotions! I really do not know to say how much I appreciate this book. I read the Bible through every year and of course I have my concordance, but there is information in the back of LIft Up Thine Eyes that I have not found before. Thank you again and again."
- Vie Staael Dennhardt, Kenmare, North Dakota
"I cannot begin to express how much I am enjoying this beautiful memorial book for our dad, Bobby Cheek. I have seen several books like this before, but none are as thoughtfully put together as Lift Up Thine Eyes. The very first article “On Grieving, Gratitude and Guilt” was just what I needed. Now I cannot seem to put the book down. I showed the book to my brother, Jeff, and every time I read something else that really touches my heart, I call and tell him about it. He can’t wait for me to finish so he can sit down and read it also. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, and please share our appreciation with everyone at Cook Insurance Agency."
- Sherry M. Boyles, Jonesville, North Carolina
"Today I received my copy of Lift Up Thine Eyes. Thank you so much for a beautiful book with Ben’s name engraved on the front in gold! For many years Ben has sponsored this program after our sweet darling daughter Tammy was tragically killed in a truck rollover. When we saw this book, we both knew we had found something we could do as a memorial to her. Little did I know that I would be once again on the receiving end. But Ben’s heart was always grateful to be part of this program. The cancer spread so rapidly that there was no proper time for goodbye. Knowing that he is in the Father’s embrace and lovingly enjoying being with his daughter again is a great comfort. The book shows the love of Our Father as He sacrificed his Son to live, to die on a cross and rise again so we can have eternal life with Him as we believe in Him. What a comfort! When we are too tired to read, the pictures show us His love more than words can tell. Thank you for providing this gift!"
- Eda Bosgra, Vermillion, Alberta, Canada